Residential Rental Inspection Ordinance

Rental Ordinance Info

The purpose of this Regulation and the policy of the Borough of Lititz shall be to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens, to establish rights and obligations of owners and to occupants relating to residential rental units in the Borough and to encourage owners and occupants to maintain and improve the quality of rental housing within the Borough.
The Ordinance covers several topics, including Purpose and Scope, Definitions and Word Usage, Duties of Owners and Managers of Residential Rental Units, Duties of Occupants of Residential Rental Units, Residential Rental Unit Licensing, Inspection of Residential Rental Units, Sale or Transfer of Residential Rental Units, Appeals and Violations and Penalties.
Borough Council has voted to adopt it, and the Ordinance became effective on July 1.  By July 1 of every year, owners of residential rentals meeting this Ordinance requirement will be mailed an application to obtain a rental license, which will be valid for one year.  This application shall be returned to the Borough within 90 days of the effective date of the Ordinance.  The Ordinance requires inspections to be in 3-year increments.  One third of the town will be responsible for scheduling their inspection within 180 days of the Ordinance adoption.  The second one-third will schedule their inspection during year two and the third one-third during year three.  Each unit will be required to be inspected every three years.  All inspection information will be forwarded to each owner when the inspection is required.
If you have any questions about the program or the Ordinance, or if you are unsure if your residential rental meets the criteria of the Ordinance, please do not hesitate to contact the administrator, Lori McEntarfer, at 626-2044.

Residential Rental Inspection Ordinance
Fee Schedule
Application Form 1
Application Form 2
Inspection Form