Stormwater Management Information

As an urbanized area designated by the 2010 Census, Lititz Borough is required to document and undertake actions to reduce pollutants issuing from the Borough's Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System (MS4).  Largely, these actions consist of methods to reduce and prevent pollutants entering the Borough's Storm Sewers.  While this includes proceedures to deal with major events, such as a fuel or chemical spill, most of the pollutants enter the system through everyday actions such as washing cars and sidewalks, dumping of yard waste, and draining pools.  It also means that everyone in the community needs to work together to protect and restore Lititz Run.

2018-2023 Stormwater Goals

  • Identify high priority MS3s in the Borough
  • Continue wet weather discharge characterization
  • Implementation of Pathogen Plan
  • Ongoing PCSM BMP inspections & follow-ups with non-compliant BMP owners
  • Public Works facility aduit

Pollutants of Concern

Twelve pollutants have been identified as being of particular concern for the Borough.  Out of those twelve, four pollutants in particular are causing, or have the potential to cause the greatest impact to Lititz Run.  These pollutants are nutrients (nitrogen & phosphorus), sediment, pathogens, and temperature.

Lititz Borough Top Offenders

  1. Nutrients -- Nitrogen and Phospherous serve as the basis for aquatic ecosystems.  However, when too much nutrients enter waterways, they cause algae growth to explode which harms water quality, aquatic habitats, and lowers oxygen levels which can negatively impact fish.

    Sources: Lawn & garden fertilizers, grass clippings, and pet waste.
  2. Sediment -- Sediment is the loose soil particles and pieces of organic matter carried by water.  Excess sediment can cause stormwater facilities to clog, can kill off aquatic plants and animals, and can impact the overall quality of Lititz Run.  

    Sources: Improperly managed construction or earth disturbance

  3. Pathogens -- Pathogens are organisms that can cause potential harm to people and animals typically through fecal matter. 

    Sources: Domestic and wild animal waste, untreated sewage through illegal connections or leaking sewer pipes, grass clippings decaying in MS4.

  4. Temperature -- Temperature pollution is caused when a large amount of water enters a stream in an amount to impact the ambient water temperature. High temperature water impacts can lead to decreases in oxygen in the water and can even kill some species of aquatic life.

    Sources: Runoff across hot surfaces, such as roads and parking lots.

Annual Stormwater Public Meeting

The annual stormwater public meeting will coincide with the October Borough Council Meeting